January 6, 2002

JoHa Treatment Day #1 - 8:45am
2614 W Jefferson St - Joliet <> 815/725-1355
Dr. Kulumani Sivarajan

Leslee dropped Gr Nancy off for her appointment. I met them there to introduce myself to the staff. We spent time together laughing and and playing games on her iPad. I left shortly after noon. She was in the midst of having her lunch. Slightly drowsy from the Benedryl they gave her at the beginning of the procedure. She was going to try to get a little nap before Leslee arrives between 2:45-3:00p.

Medical Notes for 01/06/20:

* NURSE: Kara

* DIET: High protein; drink lots of liquids -- water, juice, gatorade; Supplement with Ensure or Boost; All meats (including eggs) must be well cooked.

* If white blood count (neutrophil) <1.5, then no fresh fruits or veggies

* If she begins to feel nauseated, start with GINGER tea, ale, snaps. If it gets really bad, then she already has nausea meds filled.

* Her RX for her next visit is filled at her pharmacy of choice: Jewel/Osco on Rt 59 & Caton Farm. Leslee said she has time to  pick it up on way home today. Leslee will let me know if she runs out of time.

* Next Appt: Monday, January 27, 2020 (cbc, cmp, MD,C2 3hr Taxol/Carbo PIV)
                       9:15a - Chemo (Chair #5)
                       9:30a - Follow Up (Exam Rm 6)
                       9:45a - Chemo (Chair #5)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Jodi for being just the company my mom needs for something like this!


Post here Hi Mom! Love you  Xoxo  Leslee